Leading as Love is an alternative to the prevailing worldview. We all have what a colleague calls “scar tissue” from experiences of being “oppressed”, of having one’s dignity and well-being denied in the name of profits or partisanship. We all also have the courage to embrace and stand firmly for a new way of being, moving forward with the wisdom that is born from our experience. Leading as Love offers a choice, an alternative that when authentically lived transforms everything. Being a leader is a personal choice to make decisions and act in ways so that everyone thrives. For leaders, success is significance – making a difference.
“Intention without force brings action without effort.”
Clay Miller
Leading as Love, when raised in social awareness, offers a way that can help to resolve humanity’s entrenched dilemmas and divisions. Only love can hold the tension in such polarities and become the catalyst for creative, sustainable solutions. Taking positions locks us into competition. Leaders facilitate the discovery and creation of viable solutions without force through cooperation and collaboration. It takes great courage and strength to enable a solution to emerge that considers and addresses all needs and viewpoints. Leaders cause us to pause to answer the question: What is the higher good in this situation so that all are served, all benefit?
It may seem irrational and illogical to believe that a few people can initiate a significant social difference in a short period of time. Be heartened by the possibilities based on human history. Leading as Love is a seed for a way to relate to one another that enhances life. Anyone who chooses to truly lead and make a difference as their life purpose commits to love.
To be a true leader is a personal choice and commitment that anyone can make. Become a beacon. Be active in this quiet revolution.